Erin Barry is Tony Parker Mistress (PHOTOS)

Tony Parker, Eva Longoria, Erin and Brent Barry Rumors are hot and heavy today, suggesting that the mistress who has been engaged in a year long affair with Spurs point guard Tony Parker is Erin Barry, wife of former Spurs player Brent Barry.

Tony Parker, Eva Longoria, Erin and Brent Barry

Rumors are hot and heavy today, suggesting that the mistress who has been engaged in a year long affair with Spurs point guard Tony Parker is Erin Barry, wife of former Spurs player Brent Barry.

Mistress Alexandra Paressant claims 2007 fling.

Sports Illustrated writer Bryan Armen Graham ‘tweeted’ the Tony and Erin breaking news scoop: “Have it on good authority from entertainment sources that “former teammate” in Tony Parker-Eva Longoria affair is Brent Barry.”

Barry ended his NBA career in October 2009 and is a studio host for NBA Gametime. Erin Barry moved out of the family home recently and has filed for divorce.

Does anyone else see the uncanny resemblance?

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