Did Madonna Come Between A-Rod & Kate Hudson?

In late 2008 and early 2009, the relationship between Alex Rodriguez and Madonna was frequent gossip fodder as the baseball star was divorcing his wife. It was reported that an affair of the heart (or more) with Madge led to a contentious end to A-Rods marriage, which also produced two small children.

In late 2008 and early 2009, the relationship between Alex Rodriguez and Madonna was frequent gossip fodder as the baseball star was divorcing his wife.

It was reported that an “affair of the heart” (or more) with Madge led to a contentious end to A-Rod’s marriage, which also produced two small children.

Now it looks like Cynthia Rodriguez may have company.

Actress Kate Hudson reportedly dumped the World Series winner after eight months because “his heart belongs to Madonna,” the New York Daily News says.

Hudson warned A-Rod that if he continued talking to the music icon she would leave, and kept her promise when A-Rod kept calling and texting the singer.

Is A-Rod still hung up on Madonna – and did Kate dump him for it?

“Kate was jealous,” said a source. “She gave A-Rod three chances to stop contacting Madonna. How would you feel if your new boyfriend kept calling his ex?”

Well, if she’s his f*%king soulmate, then …

The source said it broke Hudson’s heart but she didn’t want to be the other woman: “She said that if Madonna is what A-Rod wants then she can have him.”

Madonna has been reportedly tied to Brazilian model Jesus Luz since breaking up with A-Rod in early 2009. The extent of their relationship is rather unclear.

Regardless, this story doesn’t jibe with previous reports that Alex called it off because Kate was dating him for fame and publicity and was taking it too fast.

Whatever happened, there’s no telling where this Rod will end up next.

